
Monday, June 29, 2009

Sure Cuts alot

I just got SCAL, OMG it is awesome especially with making shadows on welded words!! All you have to do is type out the word, you can move each letter individually (the whole word can be moved) then weld everything by clicking on the individual letters and weld, then copy, paste and choose the shadow feature and wha-la you have an exact match!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!
And yes I am still working on the Disney layout, I have the first page complete! I will have it done by Fri night. The kids will be dropped off at my moms Thurs when Hubby goes to work and they will have a sleep-over so I can get some ME time. Yeah Mom!!!!

On a personal note, my Aiden has cut his 1st two bottom teeth, and poor baby is in such pain & I am sleep deprived!! LOL!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Wow it's been days! I just bought scal and trying to figure it out. Pretty easy, just trying to figure out the svg files.... Oh yeah, still not done with the Disney LO. UGH!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

An evening all to myself

The kids are spending the night at grandmas and hubby works til 11pm, so I had the evening to ME... I did some scrap organizing and then a little scraping....yup still working on that darn Disney LO. Now just watching some news and giving a little update on my blog... (boring)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My kids are driving me up a wall!!!!!!!!!!! Kira doesn't listen and Aiden just wants to be held constantly, I get hardly anything done! I did move most of my scrapping stuff to the basement today & organized it a bit. All I need to do is get a table set up and get some time to myself. It will be a temporary space until we get the 1/2 of the basement finished to actually set up a real space. Still working on the Disney layout, I have the 1st page put together, just have to add the embellies & tear bear then start on the 2nd page. Oh well 9pm need to watch some tube since I can't move w/o a child on my hip.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Lazy day

Not a whole heck of alot going on.... Aiden is teething & kepping us up all night, so it's been a very lazy day! I started cutting my mats & embellies Saturday for my Disney lo, loving the way its coming together. I have to make my tear bears for it, just can't get to it. Too tired!!!
We went to Point Pleasant Boardwalk last night, Kira had a great time. She is tall enough to ride the big rides & is fearless!!!! TTFN!