
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Another Aiden First...

I taught Aiden to wave Hi today, he picked it up really quick! I also noticed that he has his left eye tooth breaking through and looks as if the right side is soon to follow. Poor kid, both top front teeth and both eye teeth ripping through all around the same time :0(

Thanks Sandi for this beautiful award, its nice to be appreciated.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Missing Actual scrapping....sooooooooooo

I am going to post some layouts that I have done a while ago of my daughters First year... I went backwards with the pictures....

In GG's arms... is Love

This is a layout of Kira and her Great-Grandma. I love this layout!

A Year in Review

I took a picture from each month and journaled all the little tidbits of each month below the picture.

First Birthday

The gift on the last page opens to reveal one more photo.

M&M Factory in Las Vegas

I took the picture not realizing that there was a polishing wheel above my husbands (BALD) head. When I was scrapping it I noticed it.... how Funny!!!!!

First Christmas

The top middle picture is an accordian fold out to fit several more pictures into the layout, tied with a ribbon to keep closed.


This has to be my all time favorite layout in her album, just the layout of the pics and the colors is awesome. This is my dads favorite too.

First Halloween

She was a cheerleader (not the common baby pumpkin, I wanted to be different) I hot glued braided doll hair to a plain headband and tied it to look like pig-tails and made pom poms out of yarn. The costume was an outfit that looked like a chearleader skirt and jacket it was given to her as a gift from my god-mother. I wish the pic of the layout did not have the glares.


The top left picture folds out to reveal two more pics.


This is another scraplift... again I forget the originator. This is a favorite layout. (pic doesn't do it justice)

Floaty Fun

This is a layout of her first time in a pool, we were on vacation in Virginia Beach, VA.

Kira Marie a.k.a...

This is a layout of all the nicknames we would call her... there are two pull out tags with all her nicknames on them.

Scraplifted layout

Not sure where I lifted this layout from I think it was a scrapbook book (sorry can't give originator credit.

First Outfit

This is a layout of the outfit we brought her home in (we didn't know the sex hense the neutral outfit. I scanned her outfit onto cardstock and used it as background paper. (I thought that was very clever of me ~ tooting my own horn~ LOL)

School shopping & two front teeth

Mom and I took the kids to Target to get some new clothes for Kira for Pre-K. She is getting very excited to go to school, she satrts on the 8th. She got a letter from her teacher saying that she can't wait to meet her and all the fun stuff she will be soing at school & she was so excited about it, she hung it on the fridge for all to see! Hopefully she will be a different kid in school... ie: listen and loose the attitude! (fingers crossed)

Aiden now has his two front top teeth coming in, they have both broken through the skin so I HOPE the worst is over, for now.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cute little blog award for being a follower of Sandy & Nanne's blog. Check them out they both do such beautiful work!!

Isn't she a cute little Lady Bug. Thanks again girls!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Aidens First Steps

Here is Aiden taking his first few steps w/o assistance. I proped him up against the dishwasher and let him go. He will be running in no time! I couldn't get good video since I could not stand back far enough to get a good shot and catch him when he began to fall, so this is the best I could get. It's a quickie!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, we are on a roll with the basement. I got my food shelves done and all loaded. We have a lot of the sheet rock up, we still have to box out the heating trunk and finish sheet rocking, but we are rolling along. I can't wait to be able to hang out down there and do some scrapbooking while the kids play or watch t.v. My bigest thing is uncluttering the upstairs! The kids rooms look like storage areas! Once I get all the extra stuff out of their rooms I will be able to finish decorating them. Ugh, so frustrating!! Stinks to clean too... have to move several things over and over!!!! I hate to clean as it is... & add a whole lot of steps to it....YUCK! Oh well soon enough. :0)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Yeah, Dad came!

My Dad came down yesterday to help with the framing, and we got all the framing of the walls done and he showed Joe & I how to frame out the heating trunk. So Joe is going to take off tomorrow and my Mom is going to come down so she can keep an eye an Aiden (a.k.a ~ P.I.T.A) and we are going to attempt to frame the trunk and sheet rock as much as we can. I got most of my shelving up, just need to screw the shelves down and my little project will be complete!

Proggress!! That light at the end of the tunnel is still far but getting a little closer. :0)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

More basement updates--

The family & I took a trip to the Home Depot last night to get some sheet rock and some shelving brackets for the basement. Hopefully my dad comes today to help Joe box out the heating/air trunk so we can sheet rock it all! While little Mr. Aiden is napping I can work on building the shelving unit I want to make in the unfinished area to put the extra cans and jars next to the freezer. Then we have to order the replacement Windows and once that happens I can pick a nice light color to paint the walls. Then we need to install the counter tops that Joe got for a steal @ HD, due to a special order being returned. Unfortunately the sink had already been cut out of the one length. I have to figure out a way to cover that - maybe I can put something on it and use it as a cutting block or somewhere to set eyelets (I put dent all over my kitchen table setting eyelets) OOPSIE!! I will post some more pictures as the work progresses.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I have received my first TWO blog awards

I was awarded these by a great girl from the Cricut MB. Thanks Sandy! Check out her great blog, she is a very talanted chickie & sweet too~ . I was told I need to pass this along to 5 others, but I just started blogging and really don't have all that many friends online that blog, the blogs I follow are for inspiration... One person that was a great help to me when I was having a problem with downloading files from Treasure Box Designs (no fault of theirs) was Stacy, she tried and tried everything she could to help me and finally it worked... She has an awesome blog too. (hope you don't mind Stacy). Thanks again Girls
Well it was a short day at work today. Kira has not been feeling well the last two days and I was not busy at work today so I went in for two of my customers and then came home instead of Joe dropping them off at my moms. No one wants to be away from home when they are not feeling well.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Winter circle svg

Here is another free svg, I am trying to learn how to do this on the easy stuff before I go trying to convert something more difficult. Let me know what you think. Comments are appreciated especially if you download the link. :0)
File removed due to lack of common courtesy... several downloads and 2 people bothered to comment & they didn't even download the files!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Scrapsketch is hosting an awesome giveaway...

This month's blog candy is Martha Stewarts Drippy Goo border punch and DCWV 12 X 12 Halloween Glitter Stack!!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!