
Friday, July 31, 2009


Kira had been bugging me to let her take Aiden for a ride in her "toon car" as she calls it. So I finally gave in & made sure he was strapped in tight and that she held onto him. I had a smile from ear to ear just to see how big he was smiling.

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Aiden's first taste of corn, he loved it. I got a little nervous when he started getting kernels off with his two little teeth, so I took it away from him, his reaction to that is below. :0(
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This is the kids playing with the bubbles that Aunt Vera & Uncle Richard and the kids gave to Kira for her Birthday. They were having a blast. Aiden was fascinated by them & of course Kira had to get the bubble wand and try to keep up with the machine. LOL!
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My temporary scrap area...

I feel like a cellar dweller when I sit down here, it's so dark and dreary... can't wait for the area of the basement that I am putting the office/craft-area in to be ready.

Made my first Office/Craft room purchase for the Basement

It's not even close to being done but, I bought Kira & Aiden (when he is big enough) or the hubby a chair to go in the office/craft area in the finished basement. Kira was so excited to have her own chair for the area, she has been sitting on an old step stool. She picked her chair out, I wanted 2 black so that they would go with everything, but she had to have the pink one with the pink,white and blue flowers on it, I must say it is cute (PICTURED ABOVE) I also scoped out the Christmas Tree Shop for some fun stuff to put in the basement, but if I come home with anything before we have a place to actually put it in the (finished) basement I think Joe will put me down there with all the junk.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Working on the basement...

I am so excited!!! My basement is coming together. It has a long way to go, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel... (it is extremely faint, but I none the less see it!!!!) That means my scrap/craft room is become a reality. My dad came to help Joe get the door framed out and squared... and the base of the framing in. He is going to come back either next weekend or the following to help box out the air ducting... yeah!!!!! Picture is of what part of the basement looks like now...

Anywho... I posted a new lo on ebay tonight... just a one pager and it is so cute...

I started my sons baby album a while ago...

but, have not posted any pics... so here they are...
This is the first page in his album... the ultra sound. We didn't want to know the sex.
His first photo - this is a hospital shot, I was pretty impressed how far they came in 4 yrs. My daughters hospital pic she was wrapped in that generic pink and blue stripped baby blanket and knit hat with that giant bow that made her look like Aunt Jemima (LOL)

And yet another hospital pic - see what I mean - this is a great photo. I had to have this pic... just to cute, little Christmas Cutie!

Someone or two...

actually reads my blog... WOW! I thought I was writing to,... so to speak..., hear myself! LOL

Friday, July 17, 2009

Treasure Box Designs

WOW, what great girls, I had a problem downloading svg files that I had purchased from them & they had great communication and tried everything to get my problem solved and DID!! That is great business! Have no fear buying from them!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

While the kiddies are away, Mommy will play!

This is Kira's first game of mini golf, she had a blast...Me on the other hand, I was 7 months prego and dying of heat... but I still enjoyed her having so much fun~! This was SC vaca. Not loving this layout.
Still Sc vacation pics of Kira loving up the $20 for 9 ticket rides! She loved that little black car, it whipped around the corners, that must have been her favorite. Was my favorite to watch her on, because she laughed so hard at every corner.
This layout if of the Ripleys Aquarium Pirate exhibit. Was pretty neat.

I got 3 layouts done tonight, took me a heck of a long time and I am not loving the mini golf one, but none the less there are 3 more in the album! Thanks for looking. Oh and have I mentioned how much I LOVE scal?????? OMG!! I love it, except when it freezes up on me. I wonder if it is a common thing or if it's just me... very frustrating though!!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Beautiful Day!!

I took the kids to the Manasquan Reservior, it is just so nice there. They have an enviromental area that is indoors, it has some neat stuff in it. We walked a small trail and saw 2 baby bald eagles in their nest, it was really cool! Then we went over to the recreation area and Kira played on the playground and Aiden napped then he had a great time on the swing, he was just so happy! Great Day! Tomorrow is my work day, but then I get to come home to a nice quiet house... it's grandmas sleep over camp tomorrow YIPPIE YA HOOOWIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me time!! I can get some scrapping done hopefully! Until then.. ttfn!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Well I decided that the layout I was going to add some more to... I liked as is so wahla.... it's done!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


My Disney layout did not sell, it had 10 watchers but I guess they were just scraplifters or lurkers. Well I will relist it for another week & if it doesn't sell I will keep it for Kira's album. I found this great site for svg's. I just bought 6 of her ppings on sale for $1 each.... such cute stuff ...

I have also been working on another layout for Kira's album... from when we went to SC last year for vaca. It is almost done, just have a few finsihing touches to add to it.
I have to get working on Aidens 1st year album... I have a few lo's done, but I need to get moving on some more.

Also vote for Aiden in the beautiful baby contest so he can win $5000 and a pro photo shoot.,0,6338980,permalink.ugcphotogallery?u=staci412

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hope everyone has a happy & safe 4th. I am making deviled eggs & bbq pulled pork for a party we will be going to. This will be Aidens 1st 4th, so he will get to see the fireworks that we all love for the 1st time! Have a great day!

Friday, July 3, 2009

First catch

I got a personal layout done last night since the kids were @ grandma's Sleepover camp LOL. I was pregnant last year with Aiden, about 7mths and we went to Murrells Inlet, SC. We went to Walmart and bought Kira a pink fishing pole and she went fishing for the first time... all she wanted to do was reel it back in ... oh and cast but that was potential hazard LOL. So dad casted and she reeled. And darned if she didn't catch her first fish... she was so excited. There was this sweet man fishing at the same time and saw how excited she was and started talking to us and said that he had a gift for her since it was her first catch... he gave her this sort of "lava lamp" type of thing. She was thrilled!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Finally complete!!! Here is the link to Ebay auction for my Disney Layout. I just realized I should have waited to list it until next week since this is a Holiday week! Duh!!!!! Oh well.
I have to say I LOVE SCAL!! I used it to do the title on the layout... OMG it is so much easier than trying to make a welded-shadowed title in Cricut Design Studio. Yippie I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to do some more scrapbooking tonight while the kids are having a sleepover at my moms, but I am so tired I just want to crash! Maybe I will take a little nap and then see how I feel later.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Going to attempt to get a head start on finishing the Disney layout , if the little man lets me...
Anyway I have found a great blog for free svg files for scal... lots of great files. Also if you sign up for the newsletter at you will get free paper piecing patterns to either cut with certain cutting machines or old fashion scissors. They offer some cool stuff for free and and they also have some great stuff for sale and they send it right to your email to download NO SHIPPING to pay.