
Thursday, July 16, 2009

While the kiddies are away, Mommy will play!

This is Kira's first game of mini golf, she had a blast...Me on the other hand, I was 7 months prego and dying of heat... but I still enjoyed her having so much fun~! This was SC vaca. Not loving this layout.
Still Sc vacation pics of Kira loving up the $20 for 9 ticket rides! She loved that little black car, it whipped around the corners, that must have been her favorite. Was my favorite to watch her on, because she laughed so hard at every corner.
This layout if of the Ripleys Aquarium Pirate exhibit. Was pretty neat.

I got 3 layouts done tonight, took me a heck of a long time and I am not loving the mini golf one, but none the less there are 3 more in the album! Thanks for looking. Oh and have I mentioned how much I LOVE scal?????? OMG!! I love it, except when it freezes up on me. I wonder if it is a common thing or if it's just me... very frustrating though!!!!!

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