
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tell me what you think...

I made this candy bar favor for my son's Baptism in Oct. Do you think I need to add anything else or change anything? I am going to either chalk or ink the sides too. This is just a draft so to speak. :0) Sorry for the blurry pic.
I wrapped the candy bar in aluminum foil first, to cover the brown wrapper. Created a file in SCAL2 (LOVE SCAL2) for the wrapper and then embossed it with the swiss dots cuttlebug folder. Finished off with a ribbon tied around it.

Thank you,

here is the link to my question below in case anyone was wondering....thanks to Scrapping Mom, here is her site - great stuff on it and to JodyP on the messageboard

here is the link for the viewer info

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How do you store & ...

find the svg's you download???? I have all my files on a removable drive in folders according to the svg ie; holiday, borders, hearts, flourishes, etc., but darned if I know exactly what each individual file looks like unless I open it up in either SCAL or INKSCAPE. That takes a lot of time! Need some ideas please....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another svg - Simple Flower

This svg is broken into pieces you can cut seperate, so be sure to download the 2 files for it.

I haven't cut this one either, so if you happen to cut it, share please, & again please leave some love....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another svg

Let me know how it cuts, and please don't be a drive by downloader - leave a comment. Thanks

Free Flourish SVG

I have not cut this to see how it cuts yet. If you download it and cut it let me know how it cuts.

Also if you download it please leave a little comment to show your appreciation. Thanks!

Show and Tell

Friday is Kira's first show and tell, The teacher requested either an object or picture that tells what they did over the summer, so I made a small collage of pics for her to take in and tell about. Too much ya think?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Treasure Box Designs Grand Re-Opening Sale

Check out TBD they are taking 30% off all products to celebrate their new website.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Something wrong with my visitor counter!!???

There is no way that it is up to 11,900 hits. It was just at 180-something last night. I think there is a boo boo somewhere!!!! How do I get that fixed?? Anyone know?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This is a picture of Kira leaving school after her first day with one of the para's from her class...
she had a great first day~ She loved it and is so excited to go back tomorrow. She wants to do homework badly ~ LOL, boy will things change in the future ~ She made lots of friends. She was a little disapointed that someone else got to take Buddy Bear home before her. That is the class bear that goes home with each kid and they have to read a story to the bear and write in his journal what was read and some other details of his trip home. Sheeeeeeeeeewwwwww, thank goodness that went smooth!

Kira's First Day of Pre-k

The date on the pic is wrong - should be 9/8/09

It was an uneventful send off, she gave hugs and kisses and off with the para she went, only turning around when I hollared out "bye boog, have a good day!!!!" Joe came home early to take her and pick her up. I shed a few tears, but not as bad as I thought I would be. We are going to take her out to dinner to her favorite... ~Chinese~ and let her tell us all about her first day. OMG, my baby girl is off to school!!!!

Basement update

Mom, Dad and gram came over yesterday so Dad could help us with the basement again and mom & gram could watch the kids. It's getting there! We have 95% of the sheetrock up, taped and spakled! We just have to finish boxing out the darn heating trunk, that has just been a pain!!!!!!!!! We had this huge box(small room 6'w x 4'd x 6'h) on wheels down there that was here when we bought the house, we finally demo'd that yesterday. Wow the basement opened up (it was right in the middle of the one side of the basement).

I have already picked out fabric to make the closet drapes for the kids play area. It's black with all primary color circles in different sizes on it. We made this nice long, shallow closet under the heating trunk area since it was so low (5'10" H), to have a place to put all the kids toys and games and some extra blankies on the top shelf (it's gonna be chilly in the winters down there, cause it is awesome cool in the summer).

It's getting there!!!! I am dying to scrapbook again. I just can't be bothered to drag everything up into the kitchen again & I can't do it downstairs with the kids since there is construction going on. One hour during nap time is not gonna cut it for me, it takes me just that to figure out the papers I want to use, LOL! Oh well, maybe by Christmas I will be able to start again :0) I will have more catching up to do than I know what to do with.