
Monday, September 7, 2009

Basement update

Mom, Dad and gram came over yesterday so Dad could help us with the basement again and mom & gram could watch the kids. It's getting there! We have 95% of the sheetrock up, taped and spakled! We just have to finish boxing out the darn heating trunk, that has just been a pain!!!!!!!!! We had this huge box(small room 6'w x 4'd x 6'h) on wheels down there that was here when we bought the house, we finally demo'd that yesterday. Wow the basement opened up (it was right in the middle of the one side of the basement).

I have already picked out fabric to make the closet drapes for the kids play area. It's black with all primary color circles in different sizes on it. We made this nice long, shallow closet under the heating trunk area since it was so low (5'10" H), to have a place to put all the kids toys and games and some extra blankies on the top shelf (it's gonna be chilly in the winters down there, cause it is awesome cool in the summer).

It's getting there!!!! I am dying to scrapbook again. I just can't be bothered to drag everything up into the kitchen again & I can't do it downstairs with the kids since there is construction going on. One hour during nap time is not gonna cut it for me, it takes me just that to figure out the papers I want to use, LOL! Oh well, maybe by Christmas I will be able to start again :0) I will have more catching up to do than I know what to do with.

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