
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I found some layouts to share...

This is a layout that I made when I first got Cricut Design Studio, I welded everything together.
This one is just a bunch of pictures of Kira my daughter holding her little brother Aiden.

This one is a picture of my daughter with a puzzled look on her face when my husband & I told her that her new baby brother got her a present. she said " what the heck? how did he buy me a present when he was in your belly???"

My daughters first dentist visit

This is her 3rd Halloween, she was a bunch of grapes

Trip to the Butterfly Conservatory in Key West, FL

My daughter skinny dipping in her pool on our deck

Trip to the Popcorn Park Zoo

Dyeing eggs (I misspelled the title) Oops!

This might be one of my favorites.  She would always put this pot cover on her head thinking it was a hat... looks like a hat so I guess she wasn't to off.   LOL!

I love this one too, these pics my mom took when my daughter slept at her house... her and the dog fell asleep and were back to back in practically the same position. Sorry it's blury

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous pages Staci...really wonderful memories...I love those purple flowers...they are all great!


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