
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another blog award ~

Thank you Yolie!
The rules for this one is to tell 10 things that make you happy & pass it along to 5 others.

  1. My Son & Daughter

  2. My Husband

  3. My family

  4. My friends

  5. Family nights

  6. Scrapbooking

  7. Going on vacation (never enough of those)

  8. Walks on the boardwalk with my hubby & kids

  9. Getting a good deal while shopping

  10. Cheesecake & ice cream, not at the same time of course LOL, YUMMY!!!!!!!!

The 5 I would like to pass this to are... Please stop by and check out the beautiful projects that they all do...

  1. Sandi ~ Soft Side of Sandi

  2. Sandy ~ Details by Sandy

  3. Nanne ~ Nannes Creations

  4. Bobbi ~ Cutsie Paper Crafts - she flattered me by scraplifting one of my layouts

  5. Lisa ~ Life with Lisa

These ladies have loads of inspiring projects sure to make you HAPPY!!!!!!


  1. Aaaaaw. Thank you for thinking of me and I'm glad I make you smile.. Hopefully daily :O)
    I will post your name along with this award on my sidebar..
    Thank you again.. :O)

  2. Thank You Staci! I am now a follower and looking forward to you design team creations!

  3. Staci...thanx so much for not only thinking of me for this award but for all of the sweet comments and support you give me. I really appreciate all you are so generous with your talent and inspiration and I am so lucky to have you in my scrappy world....thanx are a sweetie!


Thank you for taking the time to leave some bloggy love :0)