
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Fun

playing in the snow .... Aiden was helping Daddy shovel & I made a lounging snow cat on the back deck... snow wasn't packable anywhere else. Click here to see a few more pictures of Aiden.
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  1. Great snow pix. We are snowed in ourselves here in north central Texas. WE got about 12 inches of snow yesterday .. we ususally get 2 and it melts right away. This is a record for all the years they have been keeping data .. 111 years. Love your snow lion!

  2. Oh how PRECIOUS!!!!! And I LOVE the kitty!!! I also wanted to THANK YOu for your amazing comment on my blog girl!! You've definately made me smile today!!! Hope you're having a very blessed day!!


Thank you for taking the time to leave some bloggy love :0)