
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My first DT submission

This is a look at the entire layout.

Pretty daffodilli flourish from

This adorable Bunny is part of Jills Paper Jems Cuddley Cuties collection.
Isn't he just too cute!!

The title was cut out of a piece of cereal box, covered with paper & then added some pink stickles.

I posted a few days ago that I may be a member of a design team , well it is official....I am now designing for, Jills Paper Jems.
You have to jump on over & check out her store, she has some great paper piecings.
Click on the link to see her store blog.
There are two other talented ladies that will be designing for her as well.
Lisa and Danielle, hop on over and check out their blogs when you get a chance, they do some great stuff.
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  1. Absolutely gorgeous layout.

  2. Such a cute layout. the bunny is adorable. Congrats on making the DT. ~Chelsea

  3. Cute cute cute! Love all the pink and you've done a great job showcasing her paper piecings! Good luck and have fun!

  4. This is so cute! Thank You for mentioning my blog. I will be back to visit and see more of your beautiful work!

  5. Very the bunny and the colors are gorgeous..I did become a follower today, TFS


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