
Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Party Treats

I saw these carrot treat holders on the Cuttlebug Challeges Blog the other day & forgot all about making them until last night, so I hurried to throw together 15 of them between last night and this morning for Kira's Pre-K classmates for their Spring Party that they are having tomorrow.
Under the hurried circumstances I think they came out pretty cute... The kids will get a kick out of them none the less. My daughter thought they were the cutest things - but she is just a crafty little diva - she wants to make everything that I do... too cute. Thanks for looking!
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  1. They are adorable and perfect for the party.

  2. I love these - I wanted to make some and never did. Leaving for vacation tomorrow so I guess it will have to be a project for next year. Good job in such a short amount of time!

  3. I'm with your daughter...These are the cutes thing! :) ~Chelsea

  4. I will be making some tomorrow...I'll be busy creating tomorrow! :)

  5. Oh wow Staci.. these are so cool.. I love em!!

  6. Oh my goodness -- this is the most adorable basket! What a great job.


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