
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Title help, please

This is my take on a sketch by Liz Qualman, I flipped it and changed it a smidge.

I need some suggestions for a title if you talented peps can help me out.
A little about the pics...It was in Sept. & we were at a small shopping village in Smithville, NJ... the picture was taken in a gazebo where we were feeding the ducks and fish. This was a first for my son (feeding the fish & ducks). He was 10 months at the time. Thank you for any help.
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  1. How about: "Ducky you're the one!"

  2. Your layout is gorgeous!!!!! And your little one is SO sweet!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful comment on my blog....

  3. how about feeding frenzy. (I think that's how you spell it.

  4. Beautiful layout, love those cute photos. Your take on the sketch is wonderful. Thank you for your sweet Birthday Wish. ~Chelsea

  5. Cute layout and pictures! My first thought was "Precious Memories."


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