
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dieters "cupcake"

We do this thing at work where the person who had a Birthday last does the next persons. We usually bring in a balloon & some sort of dessert. Well, the girl I have to do is on a diet. So... I made a tray of brownies for everyone else & this little veggie "cupcake" for her. I am also going to make her a little sock cupcake, will post it either later or tomorrow.

I used...
a Styrofoam cup & cut it down,
filled the bottom with Ranch dressing for dipping
a large cauliflower floret for the middle
celery sticks & secured them with toothpicks to the cup (into the stem of the cauliflower)
tied it with butchers twine
stuffed in a couple baby carrots
a black olive for the "cherry" ( I didn't have any grape or cherry tomatoes)

and WHALA!! little veggie "cupcake"

Cute right? Thanks for looking.
XXX, Staci

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  1. Staci!! What a clever idea! I may have to steal this. Thanks for sharing!:)

  2. oh my goodness ....
    What a cool cupcake. Great idea

  3. This is AMAZING!!! Can't wait to see the sock cupcake....
    I have a little something for you over on my blog when you get the chance you can come by and pick it up!!!! XXXX


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