
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How do you choose?

Do you pick your photos first then look for a sketch or do you find a sketch and then look for photos to fit it? I am having a heck of a time catching up.... I am probably 3 1/2 years behind on my 5 year olds layouts and my 18 month old probably has maybe 7 pages all together. I think it is overwhelming me and it's making me loose my mojo along with my scrap area not totally done so I can not organize everything the way I want especially all my paper packs & not having an electrical outlet conveniently located, I have an extension cord running across my area that I work & have tripped over it several times while over there!
I started to pick some photos to scrap and label them with a possible title for a layout, but I don't know what happened with me doing that....I should get back to that & that may help me get back into it.

Anyway, how do you choose? If anyone has any photo organizing techniques they would like to share I am certainly open to suggestions. Thanks all! XXX, Staci


  1. I do both but I have found that if I pick out the pictures first and then decide on the layout it works best for me. I might have any where from 2-6 pictures of something and I will look at them and pick out the best 2-4. Then I will look at all the sketches I have and decide from there. I have learned to just go where the sketch or color or challenge takes me.

  2. I do both as well. Normally I would pick the photos first unless it is for a DT project and then I sort of have to go with the sketch and see what will work with that. I organize my photos in a photo box but recently bought an albim at Ms just to keep them in where I can see them easier. And I'm finding that is actually helping me to scrap them faser. With the photobox, it's kind of out of sight, out of mind. Why don't you find a sketch you like, then repeat it multiple times with just different paper and get caught up a little faster. I'm going to do that with multiple graduations I need to scrap. Look forward to seeing what you do!

  3. A bit of both. I look through my photos frequently, then when I'm going though sketches I take note if I find a good match. I just went though my 40+ magazines and cut out my favorite sketches to get me going. My stack for inspiration is less overwhelming I can get busy, right? I look forward to seeing your pages :) I'll do one this week if you will, lol.

  4. I have a sketch book but rarely use it and when I do, I end up with something way different. LOL

    So I choose my pics first and take it from there.


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