
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ooops! 2nd post today

I was trying to load up a video of my son with my vacuum (too funny!) from my camera & came across this one... I forgot that I said I was going to post this the day I made my "veggie" cupcake. This is the sock cupcake I made and the card pocket (card I posted a while back) for my co-workers Birthday. Thanks for looking. I haven't been crafting much for several reasons... 1 - I have only one electrical outlet, so I have to run extensions and they get in my way (annoying to hop over them all the time). 2 - I kinda lost my mojo for it due to my area still not being completed. 3 - I have about 4 years worth of old baby clothes I am going thru that are thrown all over my craft area so I can get them arranged by size and ironed to sell them. Oh well, these things take time. Now that I am done whining... enjoy your day all!
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1 comment:

  1. Great cupcake and card. Hang in there with your to do list. Sometimes we have to do the living before we can do the scrapping of it! Great blog look btw!


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