
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gift for my Aunt ~

This is a layout I did for my Aunt as a wedding gift that I am going to put in a shadow box as soon as I find the right one. I was going to make her a scrapbook but she went online and made herself a digital scrapbook. I know they are not the same, but I decided to make this so she can always have it in sight and she would not have to pull out 2 big books with similar photos in it to show everyone. This can be hung on the wall or put on a shelf for all to see all the time. I did the photos in sepia with a soft focus (they aren't blurry). Her wedding was in Oct so her colors were that off fall & her home is all neutrals, so this will work well anywhere she decides to put it.
I hope she likes it, I love the way it turned out. I would love to hear what you all think of it.
I am also going to enter it into Sketches in Thyme's first challenge.

(well I didn't get to enter it due to some error on the linky thingy saying that the collection was closed several hours earlier than it should have been closed)

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  1. She's going to love it! It's gorgeous!

  2. What a beautiful gift! Awesome work!

  3. Stacy, this is wonderful. Your Aunt will treasure it .. I love Fall weddings!

  4. Thanks for linking to us. The inlink closed early, don't know why....I'll have to check on that. I love your entry! Your take on the sketch is just gorgeous! This is exactly how I imagine wedding photos to be scrapped with all the lace, flowers and pearls! I love it!!!!!
    Thanks again for playing at Sketches in Thyme.
    Kim xXx

  5. Wow! What a beautiful gift! Your work is outstanding Staci, she will sure to treasure this layout. The photos are so beautiful too. Have a great weekend.

  6. This is gorgeous!!!! What a wonderful gift.. I agree with you, she should frame and set it out so everyone can see it... I love that you did the photos in sepia!!! Again, it's just gorgeous!!!!


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