
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Started a WW blog yesterday,

in hopes to stick to it this time. I figure if I can get some support and advice from others struggling over the same issue, I may stick to it. Yes I know I could go to the actual WW meetings, but financially that is not an option for me at this time. I have all the literature from when I started and failed last year & I know how to use the point system, so I figured I would do it on my own & journal my foods on my blog & post some made & found recipes to help stick to the program. My ultimate goal is to drop 40 lbs. My current goal is to loose 15-20lbs before my trip to Daytona & Disney in November. So, wish me luck!!! Staci ~~ Sick and Tired of being Fat!


  1. I wish you luck. I also could not afford, but knew how to do the points. I had to lose 45 pounds after back surgery. With WW and going to the YMCA to swim and got on the elliptical for 30 minutes 4 times a week, I lost the weight from Oct - June averaging 2 pounds lose a week for the fist 3 months and then 1 pound a week. Remember muscle weighs more than fat and you need to see it in your clothes and not always looking at what the scale says. I wish you well..drink lots of water too. Enjoy the journey!

  2. wishing you good luck i am trying to lose 20 lbs befor a trip to Las Vegas

  3. Good for you. Good luck on the weight loss! :) I just nominated your blog for a Trendy Blog award, details on my blog.

  4. Staci you GO girl!!! I'm proud of you and now that you have the basic rules down I know you'll do it!! Love the idea of your blog for it!!!!

    I also wanted to THANK you so much for your AMAZING comment on my blog!!! Made me smile big time this morning!!!! I hope you have a very blessed day!!!

  5. Wishing you luck Staci! I know you can do it! Watch out Disney! :) Have fun with it and all will be great!

  6. Good for you! I'm a lifetime WW member, but I've slipped and can't seem to get back on board. Maybe your blog will give me a push.

  7. Best wishes to you... I am going to start WW in Sept. I could not afford it. but I told my family that I cant not afford to do it.!! so I told them we are cutting $40 a mth somewhere for me to go. I need to loose 35-40 pounds for my knees.


Thank you for taking the time to leave some bloggy love :0)