
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A few things rolled into one post...

First I wanted to say thank you to all who voted for my sons costume! They judge on 11/8 and notify the winner on 11/12, so fingers crossed!
I wanted to share a cool little thing called a Birthday Calculator... scroll below the advertisements and input your birthday info...
You might want to use tid~bits from it in a Birthday LO or a card...
check it out, it's pretty cool!
Here is a photo of my kido's on Halloween... the Pretty witch (w/ a bad streak) and the little frog that she is boiling away in her cauldron.
A wreath I made for Thanksgiving. Sorry for the flash.

A freezer paper T-shirt that I made for my Dad for his Birthday.
He owns an Auto body shop and on Fridays a few guys congregate there at 5pm to have a few beers...
they call it Beer o'clock...
I had to make this when I saw an SVG of clock faces on
Michelle's Adventures with Digital Creations Blog
I deleted the 5 & replaced it with a mug of beer that I converted into an svg.

And lastly...look at this amazing Halloween Blog Candy that I won from
Debbie @ Love Life's Little Pleasures Blog.
She packed the box with tons of goodies!!
Thanks again Debbie!

Thanks for stopping by!
Hugs, Staci
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  1. Awesome costumes...Awesome shirt. Congratulations on the winning of the wonderful blog candy......
    I sure hope your little froggie wins...

  2. LOVE the tshirt!! What a great idea, I bet your dad loved it. Thanks for sharing your project!!
    Most of all, I love your kiddos costumes!!
    Last but not least, your blog is awesome!! I am now a follower.

  3. seem to be a very lucky girl when it comes to winning these awesome blog candies

  4. Hi, Staci .. wow, what a huge blog candy that was! Looks like she sent you the store! Love the photos of your kids in costume and of your cute Thanksgiving wreath. I am going to get my decorations out tomorrow .. I hope!

  5. Your wreath is so pretty...nice shirt too...I hope your boy's costume wins.....Girl your winning streak continues! That's awesome!! :)

  6. So cute . . . the costume, the wreath, the birthday shirt, and your win! Congrats on the blog candy, and good luck on the costume contest! :)


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