
Monday, November 8, 2010

I was Boo'd on Halloween ~ Blog candy potential ~3rd post today

by the Glue Arts Glue Girl and this is what was left on my porch...
I am usually never lucky, but the past few weeks, blog land has been very good to me.
On another note... you've heard the phrase "pay it forward" well, I am trying to put together my own "little" blog candy for when I reach 100 followers.
I wish it could be a giant box of goodies, but I am super strapped for money right now & we are going to Disney in little over 2 weeks & I need every spare penny I can save. (not that I even have many spares) LOL!
So stay tunned.
Thanks for visiting!
xxx, Staci

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  1. WOW, lucky you!!!
    BTW it looks like someone is going to Disney pretty soon!!!!!! Hugs!!

  2. We made the cutest shirt for my daughter when she went to disney with her dad. If you want to make some I am happy to share the file. Her shirt is the top shirt here:
    You can take the ribbon off for your son. Let me know if you want the file!!
    Hope you hit 100 soon!!


Thank you for taking the time to leave some bloggy love :0)