
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Updated Confirmation Card - see post below too

OK, the blank space in the upper right hand corner was bothering me. I thought about a flourish last night when making it, but thought "nah that would be to girly", but then I got a comment from the lovely Lelia stating the same thing I was thinking, so I went for it!
I like it... religious art is beautiful & not gender specific, so this is a piece of religous art! :o)
I used perfect medium to stamp this beautiful corner flourish that I won from Yolie a while back (thanks Yolie) & I forgot to mention the ever so talented Penny Ducan (sorry Penny)... I used one her many nesting patterns for the sentiment mats on the front & inside of the card.
Looks better right?
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  1. Very pretty card -- that cross is so elegant! And you're right -- the flourish is perfect!

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Staci...what a HANDSOME card!!!! I LOVE that the pearls on the cross are perfect...and that corner stamp just pops the card!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!

    I also wanted to thank you so much for your awesome comment on my blog!!!! Clear paint that should be FUN to decorate!!!!!

  3. Great addition, Staci! I told you it wouldn't be too girly. ;O)


  4. Beautiful, I don't think its girly, its perfect!

  5. Oh this card is stunning!!!! I'm glad to see you used the stamp! Yay!


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