
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

MOJO, where are you????

Has anyone seen my crafty Mojo????   I seem to have lost it.  LOL
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday & I hope you have a safe,healthy & Happy New Year!!
Hugs, Staci


  1. Sending you some positive Mojo vibes.....

  2. YOur mojo and my mojo and a few other friends' mojos are hanging out together and can't be found. I don't wish this on anyone, but I'm glad to hear that its not just me.

  3. Mines been gone most of Dec. But I'm feeling the scrap bug coming on...tomorrow I'm heading to Micheals to spend a gift card and get some new paper, that will give me a good push :) Hope your mojo returns soon!

  4. Hiya Chick...just wanted to say thanks for all the fab dowloads...have snagged quite a few and hope to get some time to try them out very soon...As for Mr Mojo, get yourself out to the shops and have some crafty shopping time, bag a few bargains and you never know while your gone he might just let himself in...Heres to a Happy, Healthy and Crafty New Year when it come...hugs Jackie xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave some bloggy love :0)