
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Long over-due post

OK going back to 2009, I was ranting and raving about finally semi finishing 1/2 my basement & making myself a scrap area... well I wanted to wait until it was exactly the way I wanted it, but we will probably move before that ever happens so here it is.... 
Sorry for the dark photos, it's a basement, not much light.

These are the cabinets that Hubby got for me from work, it was a kitchen display that was coming down because the company went out of business.  The cabinets are a Merlot color and the counters are black w/ silver fleck silstone (like granite).  It came with a short island, you can see part of it in the right hand corner of the photo, it has doors and alot of storage.

My Big E nestled in the corner (I know no one puts baby in the corner, but that's the best place for her) LOL

My little peg board storage bins & a pretty little wall basket I hung off of a s hook

This is the place I do most of my work since I can see the TV & the kids play area (directly in front of my counter.. the crazy colorful curtain to the left is hiding all their toys).  I have two stools because my daughter likes to craft with me sometimes.  The storage spinner that is holding my trimmer I got for $2.50... what a bargain, I just had to spray paint the dividers black (they were hot pink & lime green)  I bought 2!

The paper racks I posted about a while ago, I found them on Craig's List for $40 each (they retail new for $200 each)  The big black shelf was another goody that Hubby brought home from work for free, it was a display rack that they didn't need anymore so they were going to toss it.  Crazy right!!!

There is my little island.  The breaker box is one of the things I need to do something with, just don't know what yet & I want to put a small curtain on that window.  Since I could not hang all the cabinets that came with this deal, I took two top cabinets, put feet on them & put the silstone back splash on top of them (had no use for a back splash) and made my own counter.
So that's it ... my little craft area in the basement, sure as heck beat scrapping on the kitchen table & having to clean everything up in order to do dinner and other daily things!
Thanks for looking if your still with me after this long post!
hugs, Staci


  1. How awesome...ok...I'm jealous...and I don't mind telling you, but I'm VERY happy for you. Now that I have seen pics, I want to see more cards and projects coming out of that amazing room!

  2. OH WOW great scraproom....

  3. Oh Staci!! Your room is FABULOUS!! I love how you've organized your "play" area! LOVE IT!

  4. Lucky you - so much storage space!

  5. Very nice space, so nice and organized.


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