
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sunday DT post ~ 2nd post today

If your looking for the MyMemories Suite Giveaway Post Click HERE

Now onto today's post....
It's Designs on Cloud 9. DT newsletter Sunday.
For my DT project today I used the "FALL FUN" pattern set
and made the bear into a Tear Bear (acrylic tear bear pattern from The Beary Scrap)
Here is a close up of the adorable
"Scare Bear" and his {{insert sarcasm tone}}} really frightened crow LOL
Click on photos for a better look
~ Click for Ebay listing here ~
Thanks for visiting!
Hugs, Staci

all pieces are individual I just grouped them for display purposes)
You can place each piece anywhere on your projects

Title is 2 pieces
A look at the entire set

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