
Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Scrap thought for under your pillow: A PICTURE OF ME WITHOUT YOU

Imagine a world where no music was playing
And think of a church with nobody praying
Have you ever looked up at a sky with no blue?
Then you've seen a picture of me without you

Have you walked in a garden where nothing was growing
Or stood by a river where nothing was flowing
If you've seen a red rose unkissed by the dew
Then you've seen a picture of me without you

Can you picture heaven with no angels singing
Or a quiet Sunday morning with no church bells ringing
If you've watched as the heart of a child breaks in two
Then you've seen a picture of me without you

Can you picture heaven with no angels singing
Or a quiet Sunday morning with no church bells ringing
If you've watched as the heart of a child breaks in two
Then you've seen no picture of me without you
Then you've seen no picture of me without you ~ Lorrie Morgan

Ok, are you that mom that has a million pictures of her children, but hardly any of herself? These memories that we capture in photos are not just for us- imagine our children as adults looking back on their childhood photos- they want to see you, with them. We get so use to just being the one behind the camera taking pictures of our children, that we forget that our picture is just as important to our children.
For your scrap challenge this week, I ask you to go through your photos and find a photo with you in it…if you are like myself and many other scrappers you might have a hard time finding some with you in it…your challenge this week is to get out there and turn that camera around =D Take a moment this week to get yourself in the picture. 
Here are some ideas but not limited to (just to give you some inspiration):
A picture of yourself with ten facts

A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

A picture of you and your children

A day in your life layout
This challenge if you choose to accept it this is the guidelines: 
1. Create a layout based on the challenge above.
2. Use a pattern in your layout from Cloud 9 Designs
3. Post your layout on the fanpage
That’s it! There will be one lucky winner that will receive a $25.00 gift certificate for Cloud 9 Designs patterns....


Thanks for visiting!

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