
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Green Fork and Spoon

This post is off the typical topic of my blog, but I thought it was totally worth mentioning!
I received a great gift for Mother's Day.
It is a box of organic snacks (always different), some sample sizes, some full sizes.
Look at the nice presentation when you open the box (made from recycled materials)
the thank you card can be planted using your box and it contains herb seeds.
Check out the video here
You get a card of all the goodies that are in the box
and it is chocked full of stuff
look at all that stuff... oh you may notice I broke into the Asiago Crisps...Mmmmm!
there are even a few coupons too.
If you are looking to smarter snacks, this is a good option for you to try some stuff out.
Check em out at...
They also have a Facebook page
Thanks for visiting!
Hugs, Staci

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