
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!!!

I am proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
to give that right to me.
~ Lee Greenwood

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Disney LO - OK PSI, challenge accepted & completed~ LOL

We have been talking about a trip to Disney in Nov, so I have the Mousey bug... so I decided to find my pro shot of my DD, DH and myself in front of Cinderellas Castle. This was our first trip to Disney.
I want to journal in the blank yellow space, just not sure what I am going to write yet.
Thanks for looking.
Curious about the title of my blog post... well I was challenged to get my Mojo going by Shirley check out her blog Paper scissors ink ,she said she would do a lo if I did one, I took the challenge and completed it.
Your turn! LOL

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Sunday, was wondering....

How do you store your clear unmounted stamps?

I have started to accumulate a few, mainly for my daughter (studio G, the dollar stamps) & I would like a way to store them nicely so they can be seen easily with out having to rummage through several small packages. I am trying to organize my area so I can maybe start doing some scrapping & I thought I would ask all you wonderful & helpful peps.
Thanks, Staci

Friday, May 21, 2010

60% off Cricut Cart Coupon / 2nd post

Coupon reads 60% off regular price of $69.99 which will being it to $27.99....Good deal!!
Hopefully you can save & print it to use May 23-May 29

Tribal tattoo element

Here is a Tribal tatt for you to use on your projects. Click here to download. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How do you choose?

Do you pick your photos first then look for a sketch or do you find a sketch and then look for photos to fit it? I am having a heck of a time catching up.... I am probably 3 1/2 years behind on my 5 year olds layouts and my 18 month old probably has maybe 7 pages all together. I think it is overwhelming me and it's making me loose my mojo along with my scrap area not totally done so I can not organize everything the way I want especially all my paper packs & not having an electrical outlet conveniently located, I have an extension cord running across my area that I work & have tripped over it several times while over there!
I started to pick some photos to scrap and label them with a possible title for a layout, but I don't know what happened with me doing that....I should get back to that & that may help me get back into it.

Anyway, how do you choose? If anyone has any photo organizing techniques they would like to share I am certainly open to suggestions. Thanks all! XXX, Staci

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ooops! 2nd post today

I was trying to load up a video of my son with my vacuum (too funny!) from my camera & came across this one... I forgot that I said I was going to post this the day I made my "veggie" cupcake. This is the sock cupcake I made and the card pocket (card I posted a while back) for my co-workers Birthday. Thanks for looking. I haven't been crafting much for several reasons... 1 - I have only one electrical outlet, so I have to run extensions and they get in my way (annoying to hop over them all the time). 2 - I kinda lost my mojo for it due to my area still not being completed. 3 - I have about 4 years worth of old baby clothes I am going thru that are thrown all over my craft area so I can get them arranged by size and ironed to sell them. Oh well, these things take time. Now that I am done whining... enjoy your day all!
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Award... your going places baby!

I received this award from two very talented ladies... Jill from Scrappin the Memories & Fern from Ferns Creations , Sorry it took me so long to post it... so the rules are tell where you think your going to be in 10 years and pass it along to 10 other bloggers.

Hmmm, where am I going to be in 10 years???? Well, I hope we are in a better financial place, maybe moved to another less expensive state, both my kids will hopefully be rockin the books in school and I am working in a field that I love, maybe even my own business of a nail/hair salon or scrapbooking store. Only time will tell. Going to break the rule a little... I am giving this award to whomever would like it, only because I know some of you have already gotten it... I hope I am not ofending the blogging world by bending the rules. Enjoy everyone have a rockin weekend!!!! XXX, Staci

Friday, May 14, 2010

One Day blog CANDY~ 2nd post today

Pieces of me is having a one day~5 individual candies for 250k hits!
This is a fun one...

5~ take a pic of your youngests dirty socks
these are my 18 month olds after running outside in the dirt - boys!
4~ a picture of a plant in your home or work area

3~ something you ate today
2~ something round in your home or work area
1~ something pink in your home or work area
me this morning - my pink night shirt and robe.

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day All you fine Mom's!!!

Hope everyone has a nice relaxing day... I know I plan to, but who knows if thats whats going to happen - ya know I'm a Mom of little ones, relaxing went out the window with that first roll over in my belly LOL! Have a wonderful Day & Enjoy every minute! XXX, Staci

Friday, May 7, 2010

Perfect for Mother's Day or a Mommy and Me project

This is a beautiful Shiloutte for Mother's Day, I wish I had a picture to show it, but I never saved the picture that I converted, Sorry - Trust me though you will love this file.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dieters "cupcake"

We do this thing at work where the person who had a Birthday last does the next persons. We usually bring in a balloon & some sort of dessert. Well, the girl I have to do is on a diet. So... I made a tray of brownies for everyone else & this little veggie "cupcake" for her. I am also going to make her a little sock cupcake, will post it either later or tomorrow.

I used...
a Styrofoam cup & cut it down,
filled the bottom with Ranch dressing for dipping
a large cauliflower floret for the middle
celery sticks & secured them with toothpicks to the cup (into the stem of the cauliflower)
tied it with butchers twine
stuffed in a couple baby carrots
a black olive for the "cherry" ( I didn't have any grape or cherry tomatoes)

and WHALA!! little veggie "cupcake"

Cute right? Thanks for looking.
XXX, Staci

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Help, Netbook mistake??????????answered

I purchased a netbook yesterday because my laptop battery & powercord died & it would have cost me over $200 to replace both of those & the netbook cost mejust a little more. Now I am rethinking my purchase because this will be my soul computer in the house... do any of you have a netbook that they run scal off of? I am not that savy about MB's & GB's to know if 160MB is enough to run ds & SCAL w/o slowing the little thing down. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. PLEASE PLEASE I only have 20 days from yesterday to return it if I made a mistake. HELP PLEASE!!

Thanks to the 2 that answered, I have decided to keep my netbook. I have loaded both SCAL & DS & comp seems to be running fine. Hopefuly it will stay this way.