I seen this cutie in a magazine and altered the materials to make it & this is how it came out.
I made it for my cousin, she just moved into an apartment with her beau and is hosting her first dinner party.
Easter Dinner, so I thought this was a totally appropriate centerpiece.
I used...
2 1/4 boxes of bunny peeps (hot glued onto the net)
1 butterfly net from the dollar store (left the netting for added support for the peeps to adhere to)
Spring green acrylic craft paint (painted stick on butterfly net)
1 sand pail from the dollar store
craft foam inside the pail to make net stand straight
4 med rocks for weight inside the bucket.
plastic grass and eggs I had at home.
(they say to spray the peeps w/ craft sealer but I didn't have any of that)
Thinking of cutting a butterfly or some type of bug to put in the middle of the "flower".

I love how it turned out.
Thanks for visiting!
Hugs, Staci