Friday, October 29, 2010
Want to get Boo'd?? 3rd post

Another Bracket Page SVG 2nd post today
Wins & Treat Boxes for my DD's Halloween Party
Be sure to scroll down for Friday SVG... Thanks for visiting and Enjoy your Halloween!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Breast Cancer Awareness Blog Hop
Saturday, October 23, 2010
My try at digi images
OK, out of all the digi's I have won & the freebies I have collected I did not have anything for a new home, so I made my own out of a coloring book image... Well the coloring ain't no copic markers but it is all I got!
My beer pockets don't hold that kind of cash for that champagne marker... LOL!
No too shabby though right?
The card is for my hubby's nephew & wife they just purchased their first home as a couple!
I am so excited, it's the first time I am going to meet baby Addie, she is now 5 months...
she is the one I made the name collage for in this post, if you would like to see it click on the link.
Thanks for visiting! xxx, Staci
Friday, October 22, 2010
I won $30 towards a Wish List - 2nd post today
Another Bracket Page SVG
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Want a chance to win a Gypsy?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Grandma's Little Stinker
Monday, October 18, 2010
My crafty goodness in a box arrived today ~ YEAH!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tear critters
Bracket Page SVG
Click here to download. Enjoy... sorry no pic
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Revive your UNSTICKY cricut mats
Monday, October 11, 2010
Please read & try to help, every little bit counts...
A post from Summer's Blog...if you can help in any way at all...
"My heart feels heavy for a mother out there that I met 9 years ago. Her name is Joy Payne. I always thought it was funny that her name was an oxymoron. But at this time, she does not feel the joy, only the pain. One of my dear friends (who is best friends with Joy) wrote this:
"Our best friends Tom and Joy Payne just had their 3rd child, Easton, who is now 3 months old. He was born with dwarfism, a mild case of Pierre Robin syndrome (where the lower jaw is too small and the tongue blocks the throat), and a cleft soft palette (which also causes airway obstruction). This baby has a tracheostomy and a feeding tube in his stomach. They feed him every 3 hours around the clock and must suction out the tracheostomy when he spits up—which is almost constantly. You can imagine that with this challenge, they get zero sleep. They are up around the clock managing him. At the time he was born they also had two other children to take care of.
This, of course, turned their lives upside down. They have been working with the state to be approved for 24-hour nursing care. This will not take effect until the middle of November, they are told.
However, to add to the trial that they are facing, when Easton was 11 weeks old, their 3-year old son Jaxon drowned.
They now face the overwhelming costs associated with her hospitalization from the pre-term birth of Easton, his immense medical bills, AND the ambulance, life-flight, hospital and burial costs from Jaxon’s death. …Along with the horrible pain, grief and guilt that comes with losing a child this way…
Their insurance covers no nursing costs. 4 days after the funeral of Jaxon, they woke in the night ready for one of Easton’s feedings as his emergency alarms started sounding. He was not breathing and had no pulse—Tom, his father had to revive him by doing infant chest compressions and CPR into the hole in his throat.
They cannot keep living this way until the red tape clears for their nursing care to kick in. Being this physically exhausted is extremely detrimental to their emotional healing and they are terrified that “another child will die on our watch”.
We’re asking for any donations you can give so that this family can pay for a night nurse for the next month until the state care begins. Prices can range from $3,000-5,000. We’d also like to help them cover all the other medical and funeral bills that are piling up. Please give whatever you can to this amazing family. They have been through so much hardship, and it tears us up to not be able to give them whatever money they need. PLEASE HELP US LIFT THEIR BURDEN SLIGHTLY AND GIVE THEM HOPE. Thank you."
I cannot imagine losing a son, and simultaneously trying to care for a newborn with such health concerns. I just cannot imagine the pain. It is tiresome enough to have a newborn. I am at a loss. So, I decided to throw together a quick kit called "Easton" in hopes of raising some money to help this amazing family. Please say prayers for them. And if you feel that you can donate some money, please feel free to do so using my donate button. I will accept donations until one week from now (Sunday, October 17th). When you donate through PayPal, please leave a note that says "Easton" so that I know that's what it's for. Thank you!"
Visit Summer's Blog to donate and download her free digital scrapbook kit....
Here is a picture of sweet Easton:

Saturday, October 9, 2010
OK your NEVER gonna believe this...
Friday, October 8, 2010
HOLY MOLY ~ I WON AGAIN!!! scroll down to post below for Fri SVG
Spider in Web SVG
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Finished card
I posted the front of this card on Saturday for world card making day, but I did not finish the inside until last night... so I figured I would post the finished prodect...I used my Spooky Scence SVG that I posted on Fri 10/1 ahd a couple of sticker ghosts & a sticker Boo!. (they all have tiny little google eyes ~ So cute!) Sorry for the double post .
sorry for the mess in the background, that is a project I am working on for my Daughters School Fall Festival, I volunteered to make cupcakes so I figured I would make some picks to go into them... will post once the cupcakes are all made & ready to go.
TFL! Staci
Beary Scrap Challenge #11
I started this card for the BSC#11 before I won #10, so I finished it last night and figured I will enter it anyway. It's for my Dad's Birthday in Nov. TFL!
Monday, October 4, 2010
A Lucky Purchase???? 2nd post today
I won... again - Lucky weekend for me
Sunday, October 3, 2010
YEAH I won
Saturday, October 2, 2010
World Card Making day...
This is just a fun Halloween card. I wanted to make a green tear bear witch, I used my own pattern on the bear & Treasure Box Designs for the witch's costume... I apologize, but I forget where the broom & the cat came from.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Spooky Scene SVG
Blog Archive
- Want to get Boo'd?? 3rd post
- Another Bracket Page SVG 2nd post today
- Wins & Treat Boxes for my DD's Halloween Party
- Breast Cancer Awareness Blog Hop
- My try at digi images
- I won $30 towards a Wish List - 2nd post today
- Another Bracket Page SVG
- Want a chance to win a Gypsy?
- Grandma's Little Stinker
- My crafty goodness in a box arrived today ~ YEAH!
- Tear critters
- Bracket Page SVG
- Revive your UNSTICKY cricut mats
- Please read & try to help, every little bit counts...
- check out this awesome giveaway
- OK your NEVER gonna believe this...
- HOLY MOLY ~ I WON AGAIN!!! scroll down to post be...
- Spider in Web SVG
- Finished card
- Beary Scrap Challenge #11
- A Lucky Purchase???? 2nd post today
- I won... again - Lucky weekend for me
- YEAH I won
- World Card Making day...
- Spooky Scene SVG