The full Dino~roar collection from Imaginisce. It came while I was on vacation, & since I got home with 2.5 weeks to Gift shop, make a few gifts, some cards, bake cookies, clean, cook & work.... I totally forgot to post this awesome comment win from the Imaginisce Blog. Thanks Imaginisce!!!
Thanks for visiting! Hugs, Staci
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Look what came in the mail...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
MOJO, where are you????
Has anyone seen my crafty Mojo???? I seem to have lost it. LOL
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday & I hope you have a safe,healthy & Happy New Year!!
Hugs, Staci
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night... I am pooped!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow.
Hugs, Staci
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My Little Monkey
OK, I took the advice of those who responded to my post the other day in reference to this gift for my friend who lost her 18 year old son to complications from coolies anemia. I kept the angel wings on the monkey and added the title. I love the way it came out, it is so much better in person. I hope she likes it and does not get upset.
She always called him her little Monkey.
I was going to crackle paint the frame, but I didn't have time as I have to give it to her tomorrow & I just got the frame last night. (nothing like rushing right!!)
I will ask her if she would like it crackled & then I will do it for her if she wants.
Thanks for visiting!
Challenge Entered:
The Beary Sweet Challenge Pearls or Gems @ The Beary Scrap
(There are gold gems on the bottom left lace)
xxx, Staci
shadow box frame,
tear critter,
the beary scrap
Monday, December 20, 2010
Need some advice
I made this layout as a gift for a friend that lost her 18 yr old son 4 years ago to a blood disease.
(Wish it was a better picture)
When he was little she would call him her little monkey.
The advice I need is... do I put, My little Monkey as the title or do I leave it w/o a title?
I know the colors are girly but I made it to match the colors of her bedroom where I think she would keep it & I figure she could put 2 of her favorite pictures of him as a little one in black & white.
I am going to put it in a shadowbox frame that I am going to crackle paint, she is into shabby chic and the distressed look.
Also, I added Angels wings to the Monkey because now he is an angel watching over her. Do you think that is too much?
Need some help please.
xxx, Staci
Need some help please.
xxx, Staci
classmates gift,
shadow box frame,
tear critter
Who stole the cookie from the cookie tray??
My Mom and I bake cookies every year and when they come out of the oven, we stick them outside on a banquet table to cool.
Well, this year we had 3 very interested visitors...
Well, this year we had 3 very interested visitors...
Aren't they just a little cute?!!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Class and Teachers Gift ~ 2nd post
Kira and I made 17 of these adorable cocoa treat holders for her classmates. The file is from Treasure Box Designs, she is having a %55 off of $25 for the 12 days of Christmas sale and there were a few files I could not resist. Since I was looking for one of these, I went ahead and purchased it, it wound up only costing me a dollar and change. Isn't it just too cute and we added a candy cane to stir their hot cocoa!

I made this adorable crayon wreath for Kira's teacher to hang in the classroom.
I found this awesome little cutie months ago on Jill's Blog.
I scrap lifted her exact design I loved it so much!!!!
All but the apple and the words are from
She is having a TOTALLY AWESOME 70% off winter sale!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!
xxx, Staci
I made this adorable crayon wreath for Kira's teacher to hang in the classroom.
I found this awesome little cutie months ago on Jill's Blog.
I scrap lifted her exact design I loved it so much!!!!
All but the apple and the words are from
She is having a TOTALLY AWESOME 70% off winter sale!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
xxx, Staci
Friday, December 17, 2010
Steggi SVG / Digi
click here to DL svg, Enjoy!
You will have to draw in all the little spots on Steggi or leave him as he is w/o.
digi image,
free svg files,
sure cuts alot 2
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Deal of the Day
The deal of the day @ my store is ...
Mr Coffee Cafe Frappe Maker list price $79.99
Deal price $57.00

deal of the day,
kaching kaching,
online shopping
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Quick Post...have to share ***SALE***
Hey all been very busy with work, gift shopping, grocery shopping, wrapping, very little paper crafting (but I am working on 2 things) and getting started with baking... had to drop in and share one very incredibly awesome 70% off sale @ My Scrapchick & another awesome 55% off sale @ Treasure Box Designs these two girls are so super talanted check them out, they have the cutest stuff ever!!!!!
Thanks for dropping by
Hugs, Staci
Thanks for dropping by
Hugs, Staci
my scrapchick,
paper piecings,
sure cuts alot,
treasure box designs
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Looking for a cocoa mug svg file...
that holds a packet of cocoa.... I am thinking of making those for my daughters Kindergarten classmates. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all who respond!
xxx, Staci
xxx, Staci
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
As some of you know I am already on the way to my Florida vacation.
I scheduled this post just to say
I scheduled this post just to say
"I wish you all the best this Thanksgiving."
We will be stopping in NC to have Thanksgiving with my DH's friend and his immediate family, so no turkey sammies on the road for me. LOL
Sorry no Friday Svg's while I am away.
For those of you Black Friday Shoppers, Good luck with getting the scrumptious deals!!
Happy Shopping!!!!!
For those of you Black Friday Shoppers, Good luck with getting the scrumptious deals!!
Happy Shopping!!!!!
Enjoy your Holiday!
Thanks for visiting!
xxx, Staci
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Holiday rush is soon upon us....
My new endeavour is Kaching Kaching (the sound of a ringing cash register) online store... there are name brands at great prices. Shop around, but before you buy, check out my store on the sidebar to the left... Kaching Kaching, you may get a better deal! Thanks! Hope you all have a great holiday weekend! When I return from vacation, I will try to post the daily deal... daily. :0)
Thanks for visiting! xxx, Staci
kaching kaching,
online shopping
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Check out this incredible idea and see how you can win
an Imaginicse I top & goodies.... click on the link It's so darn cute and ingenious your gonna love it!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I got attitude!!!
Yolie - Just Yolie, Just create
Celest - Touched by a Butterfly
Patricia - Patty's Craft Spot
You can qualify for the $5 Digis with Attitude store gift certificate, you must:
list 3 things that make you/your blog different, pass this award on the 5 others, display the badge/award on your sidebar linking to the Digis with Attitude Challenge Blog, and please read the Digi's with Attitude guidelines ~ HERE
3 things that make me or my blog different
1. I like scrambled eggs and cream cheese sandwiches
2. I post more tutorials and giveaways on my blog than I post projects
3. I am me, that makes me different right there...LOL
The 5 nominated blogs to receive award
1. Jacque - Jacque's Joie de Vivre
2. Cindy - Cindy's Creations
3. Penny - Penny Ducan Creations
1. I like scrambled eggs and cream cheese sandwiches
2. I post more tutorials and giveaways on my blog than I post projects
3. I am me, that makes me different right there...LOL
The 5 nominated blogs to receive award
1. Jacque - Jacque's Joie de Vivre
2. Cindy - Cindy's Creations
3. Penny - Penny Ducan Creations
4. Jamie - Bits of Paper
5. Donalda - Enjoying the Journey
xxx, Staci
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Disney Freezer Paper T-shirt's
These are the T-shirt that I made for our trip to Disney World. I didn't add the "Disney World" title, it was tearing the freezer paper.
I used the scut2 file for my daughter's and my shirt that Michelle was so nice to share with me, she shares some great files...check her out!
Yes, we are going to be one of those corny families that wears matching shirts.
I was told that was totally acceptable when in Disney, although my husband may not think so. LOL
He thinks I am corny, but I think he will wear it to make my daughter and I happy.
My daughter and I have red shirts with the Minnie shilouttes and I i-rocked Minnie's bow
this is the front...
I used the scut2 file for my daughter's and my shirt that Michelle was so nice to share with me, she shares some great files...check her out!
Yes, we are going to be one of those corny families that wears matching shirts.
I was told that was totally acceptable when in Disney, although my husband may not think so. LOL
He thinks I am corny, but I think he will wear it to make my daughter and I happy.
My daughter and I have red shirts with the Minnie shilouttes and I i-rocked Minnie's bow
this is the front...
this is the back...
I put our last name (god forbid either of my kids get seperated they can be identified) and the 10 stands for year we visited.

Here is my sons shirts, I made his and my husbad the same... I just recently added the fireworks to theirs because I hit my hubby's shirt with the brush and left a black mark... so the fireworks were born to cover the mark and I added it to my sons so he could match Daddy. The back will be the last name and #10.
Thanks for visiting!
Here is my sons shirts, I made his and my husbad the same... I just recently added the fireworks to theirs because I hit my hubby's shirt with the brush and left a black mark... so the fireworks were born to cover the mark and I added it to my sons so he could match Daddy. The back will be the last name and #10.
Thanks for visiting!
xxx, Staci
Disney layout,
freezer paper t's,
sure cuts alot 2
Monday, November 15, 2010
Just wanted to share...
a few pics of my son's 2nd Birthday celebration...
Here is the cake that I made for him...
His big "cheese" face when I aim the camera at him...such a ham!
Thanks for letting me share!
xxx, Staci
Sunday, November 14, 2010
And the Winner is...
Celeste from Touched by a Butterfly!
Congrats Girl, I have your snail mail addy and will be sending out my little box of appreciation goodies to ya!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Some projects to share
Don't forget to leave a comment on my Candy post to be eligible to win my small candy giveaway. You must tell me what you will be doing on Thanksgiving in order to be included in the draw.
I used Sketches for Scrapbooking by Scrapbook Generation for these two layouts and the card.
They are having a Creative Team call, so I thought I would try out...these are my submissions.
2 pager with lots of photos, I love how they incorporate so many pics in their sketches.
All the goodies I used on this one page layout I received in Debbie's Yummy Candy @
This card I made for my husbands friends that have invited us for Thanksgiving Dinner and to stay at their home on our way to and from our Florida trip.
Thanks for visiting!
xxx, Staci
card making,
sketches for scrapbooking
Friday, November 12, 2010
Mushroom House SVG/ Digi Image

You may need to cut the path off ( I don't know how to do that in the file). Also the flowers were too little, I suggest you cut your own or use small primas.
Click here to DL svg, Enjoy!
Click here to DL svg, Enjoy!
digi image,
free svg files,
sure cuts alot 2
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thank you! I hit 100+ 1 ~ CLOSED
So, as promised I am going to pay it forward. It is a small candy, but its packed with love.
I will draw from comments on this post.
I am going to my husbands friend in NC for Thanksgiving & then we are off to Daytona Beach & Disney for a family vacation.... Tell me what you will be doing.
I will leave it open until Sunday 5pm est. I will then draw a name & post the winner no later than Monday evening.
Thanks again! Good luck to all that leave me some love!
xxx, Staci
scroll to prior candy post to see what is included.
Again I aqpologize, I can only ship within the US
Again I aqpologize, I can only ship within the US
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I'm sure you have heard the term "pay it forward"... well I want to thank you all for follwing and visiting me. Once I reach 100 followers I will post a draw for this small appreciation candy. So I need 5 more peeps & I will be @ 100. Tell a few peeps! :0)
EDIT: I can only ship within the US, hope you all understand.
EDIT: I can only ship within the US, hope you all understand.
Monday, November 8, 2010
I was Boo'd on Halloween ~ Blog candy potential ~3rd post today
I am usually never lucky, but the past few weeks, blog land has been very good to me.
On another note... you've heard the phrase "pay it forward" well, I am trying to put together my own "little" blog candy for when I reach 100 followers.
I wish it could be a giant box of goodies, but I am super strapped for money right now & we are going to Disney in little over 2 weeks & I need every spare penny I can save. (not that I even have many spares) LOL!
So stay tunned.
Thanks for visiting!
xxx, Staci
glue arts,
glue glider pro
Name those Kittenz ~ 2nd post
Contest to name Kenny K's Krash Kittenz. Get the details @ Bearly Mine Crafts
A. Leggin It Lonie
B. Jacked Up Jackie or Gumball (motorcycles back tire) Girtie
C. Trick Shift Tracy or Quick Shift Shirley
D. Rope 'em Rhonda
E. Racey Raquel
F. Wheelie Wanda
G. Sassy Sherif Shonda
H. Soft Tail Sally
I. Chopper Chelsea
J. Vroom Vroom Veronica
K. Honkey Tonk Hannah
L. Rippin It Up Regina
digi image,
kenny K
Flower Tut
Want to make this pretty little flower yourself ...check out Ideas for Scrapbookers for the simple tut!
PS: still looking for some craty ideas for a Hostess Gift...see post below.
Thanks for visiting! xxx, Staci
flower tutorial,
ideas for scrapbookers
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I'm begging again ~ PLEASE VOTE for Aidens Halloween Costume
this time we could win a $500 GC from Target, that would come in so handy for Christmas shopping for the kids. You can vote daily, the photo with the most votes wins... thanks in advance
for the little froggie in the Cauldron
halloween costume contest
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Updated Confirmation Card - see post below too
OK, the blank space in the upper right hand corner was bothering me. I thought about a flourish last night when making it, but thought "nah that would be to girly", but then I got a comment from the lovely Lelia stating the same thing I was thinking, so I went for it!
I like it... religious art is beautiful & not gender specific, so this is a piece of religous art! :o)
I used perfect medium to stamp this beautiful corner flourish that I won from Yolie a while back (thanks Yolie) & I forgot to mention the ever so talented Penny Ducan (sorry Penny)... I used one her many nesting patterns for the sentiment mats on the front & inside of the card.
Looks better right?
card making,
Confirmation Card for a Boy
I made this for one of my neighbors, her son is making his confirmation... I feel like it needs something... the upper right hand corner looks too empty. I wanted to keep it simple since it is for a boy, but I think I could have done something else to it.
What do you think?
I added an envelope inside to put some cash.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, Staci
card making,
easel card
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A few things rolled into one post...
First I wanted to say thank you to all who voted for my sons costume! They judge on 11/8 and notify the winner on 11/12, so fingers crossed!
I wanted to share a cool little thing called a Birthday Calculator... scroll below the advertisements and input your birthday info...
You might want to use tid~bits from it in a Birthday LO or a card...
check it out, it's pretty cool!
Here is a photo of my kido's on Halloween... the Pretty witch (w/ a bad streak) and the little frog that she is boiling away in her cauldron.
A wreath I made for Thanksgiving. Sorry for the flash.
A freezer paper T-shirt that I made for my Dad for his Birthday.
He owns an Auto body shop and on Fridays a few guys congregate there at 5pm to have a few beers...
they call it Beer o'clock...
I had to make this when I saw an SVG of clock faces on
Michelle's Adventures with Digital Creations Blog
I deleted the 5 & replaced it with a mug of beer that I converted into an svg.
And lastly...look at this amazing Halloween Blog Candy that I won from
Debbie @ Love Life's Little Pleasures Blog.
She packed the box with tons of goodies!!
Thanks again Debbie!
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Blog Archive
- Look what came in the mail...
- MOJO, where are you????
- Merry Christmas to all
- My Little Monkey
- Need some advice
- Who stole the cookie from the cookie tray??
- Class and Teachers Gift ~ 2nd post
- Roberts Crafts Giveaway
- Steggi SVG / Digi
- Deal of the Day
- Quick Post...have to share ***SALE***
- Dragon SVG / Digi
- Looking for a cocoa mug svg file...
- 2 Pink ATG giveaway
- As some of you know I am already on the way to my ...
- The Holiday rush is soon upon us....
- Check out this incredible idea and see how you can...
- Who wants to win some DCWV
- I got attitude!!!
- Disney Freezer Paper T-shirt's
- Just wanted to share...
- And the Winner is...
- scrap 'n tote giveaway
- Some projects to share
- Mushroom House SVG/ Digi Image
- Thank you! I hit 100+ 1 ~ CLOSED
- PAY IT FORWARD - edited
- I was Boo'd on Halloween ~ Blog candy potential ~3...
- Name those Kittenz ~ 2nd post
- Flower Tut
- Fish Bowl SVG
- I'm begging again ~ PLEASE VOTE for Aidens Hallowe...
- Updated Confirmation Card - see post below too
- Confirmation Card for a Boy
- A few things rolled into one post...